Saturday 9 July 2011

the story of the Buddha and the monkey

once upon a time, the Buddha was meditating under a tree when monkey came along, feeling very full of himself. He swaggered up to the Buddha and said "I the monkey and Lord of the universe" however, the Buddha said absolutely nothing.

Annoyed by the imperturbable silence of the Buddha monkey said, "I will prove it to you by jumping to the end of the universe"

The Buddha, however, maintained his imperturbable silence, so the monkey annoyed bunched himself up and jumped as high as he possibly could, up and up. He went for what seemed like forever.

Suddenly he landed with a thump in front of four great pillars. "Aha said monkey to himself. This must be the end of the universe", so monkey being a little vandal took out his pencil and scrawled at the bottom of one of these great pillars. "I the monkey am Lord of the universe". Having done this he bunched himself up and jumped up and up and up. Up and up and up he went and then down and down and down, until he landed with a slump in front of the Buddha, who was still meditating quietly."there, you see I have jumped to the end of the universe" said monkey and went on to say "I will prove it to you, because what I did was I wrote a special phrase right at the base of one of the pillars at the end of the universe." Again, the Buddha said nothing and continued his imperturbable meditation, except for one thing, opening his hand, he sent to monkey "look". The monkey looked intently at the right hand of the Buddha which the Buddha and open to him, he was not sure, but he thought he could see tiny writing at the base of one of the Buddha's fingers and he really had to screw his little eyes up to see what the writings said, looking very closely he could see that the writings said I the monkey am Lord of the universe.

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