Sunday 17 July 2011

my own study

Around which of my centres or brains does my whole life rotate as if that brain or centre were my Sun? Into which one is all my attention and energy dragged almost as if by gravity?

I do not know, and I do not want any answers, nor do I want to pretend that it is something that I, or some fantastic part of me, an it, 'thinks' it 'should' be.

How can I approach my own question impartially (always assuming that I have the faintest idea what that means) and without an assumed answer, how can I find out for_a_fact? Can I find out?

How would I begin such a study? And how not to let it turn into an intellectual exercise or another form of talking to myself? I don't know how to, or what it would mean to, deepen my question.

Instinctively I sense that some part of me imagines that it already knows the what we call, and shy away from, answer.

I sense that I can learn more from asking the question than answering it – not that I remotely want to.

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