Tuesday 2 August 2011

We are the images of God.’FROM ALL AND EVERYTHING, Beelzebs tales to his grandson

“Now, my boy, I shall begin by repeating: all your favourites, even the contemporary, are—like us and like all
the other three-centred beings of our Megalocosmos—
such apparatuses for the Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat
just as the Arterioscleroses were, from whom arose the
first ancestors of the now existing beings as well as the beings now existing everywhere. And through each of them
the cosmic substances arising in all seven Stopinders of
the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh could be transformed,
and all of them, again even the contemporary, besides
serving as apparatuses for the Most Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, could have all possibilities for absorbing
from those cosmic substances which are transformed
through them what is corresponding for the coating and
for the perfecting in them of both higher-being-bodies;
because each three-brained being arisen on this planet of
yours represents in himself also, in all respects, just like
every three-brained being in all our Universe, an exact
similarity of the whole Megalocosmos.
“The difference between each of them and our common great Megalocosmos is only in scale.
“Here you should know that your contemporary favourites very often use a notion taken by them from some-
where, I do not know whether instinctively, emotionally,
or automatically, and expressed by them in the following
words: ‘We are the images of God.’
“These unfortunates do not even suspect that, of everything known to most of them concerning cosmic truths,
this expression of theirs is the only true one of them all.
“And indeed, each of them is the image of God, not of
that ‘God’ which they have in their bobtailed picturings,
but of the real God, by which word we sometimes still call
our common Megalocosmos.
“Each of them to the smallest detail is exactly similar,
but of course in miniature, to the whole of our Megalocosmos, and in each of them there are all of those separate functionings, which in our common Megalocosmos
actualize the cosmic harmonious Iraniranumange or ‘ex-
change of substances,’ maintaining the existence of every-
thing existing in the Megalocosmos as one whole.
“This same expression of theirs—’We are the images of
God’—can here serve us as a very good additional illustration in explanation of how far what is called ‘percepti-
ble logic,’ or, as it is sometimes still said, ‘Aimnophnian
mentation,’ is already distorted in them.

“Although this expression corresponding to the truth
exists there among them, yet concerning the consideration
of its exact sense, as in general concerning every short
verbal formulation, they at best always express with their
strange short-sighted mentation—even if they should
wish with their whole common presence actively and sincerely to reveal their inner representation and essential
understanding of this expression of theirs—something as
“‘Good ... if we are “images of God” . . . that means
. . . means . . . “God” is like us and has an appearance also
like us ... and that means, our “God” has the same moustache, beard, nose, as we have, and he dresses also as we
do. He dresses as we do, doubtless because like us he is
also very fond of modesty; it was not for nothing that he
expelled Adam and Eve from Paradise, only because they
lost their modesty and began to cover themselves with
“In certain of the beings there, particularly of recent
times, their being-Aimnophnian-mentation or perceptible
logic has already become such that they can very clearly
see this same ‘God’ of theirs in their picturings, almost
with a comb sticking out of his left vest pocket, with
which he sometimes combs his famous beard.
“Such a super peculiar being-Aimnophnian-mentation
about their ‘God’ proceeded in your favourites chiefly from
the Hasnamussian manifestations of those ‘learned’ beings
who, you remember, I have already told you, assembled in
the city of Babylon and collectively began to invent various maleficent fictions concerning their ‘God,’ which
were afterwards by chance widely spread everywhere on
that ill-fated planet. And in view of the fact that that period coincided with the time when the three-brained beings there began to exist particularly ‘Selzelnualno,’ i.e.,
particularly ‘passively,’ in the sense of the being-efforts

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