Saturday 24 September 2011


Remember remember, remember, myself morning, evening and night,

remember, remember, remember myself, member I am alive! in breathing, heart beating, feeling and sensing, how could I have forgotten,

how much has been left behind?
how much was entrusted to the mind?
my birthright spent in a foreign land, I long in my heart, so quietly to return to my father and repent.

I've travelled so far since that magical morning when essence was born, has he come such away?

I cannot remember, we,don't know the way to go home how far did we fall, we still hear the call to go back whence we came.

Tuesday 20 September 2011


like a breathing clock

the pendulum swings

next, last, next last next
although it cannot be seen,

only for a moment is the pendulum still,

yet the machine dreams on, next, last next, last, next.

the allowing the connection-a poem

or us there is only the connection,

as we are, alone,
as we are only something;

to touch in some way, reach out,

as we are, incomplete

TIME-a poem

time is the waste and the hesitation,

the ache and the sigh,

time makes everything a lie.

Saturday 17 September 2011


Love is not ordinary,

it is magical, vibrant. like life,
as essential as breath or bread,
as marvellous as a flock of birds in flight,

or the sunrise.

planted in the essential, let us never take it for granted, in the ordinary run of things.

it comes from a greater love, from far above the ordinary.

let us never treat our lives as ordinary, flat,

life and love are far too extraordinary for that.
each breath comes and comes again as life,
as life lives its magic in the beating heart,

not small and ordinary but blended with the greater, as included in the higher love of which our love is part.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God

, the heathen imagine that God is somewhere else, external to their own totality because they cannot be STILL.

the heathen are not outside-somewhere ELSE-my totality, either

I AM A COSMOS and all, the Megalocosmos, is in my totality, which is not little me, me, me.
if little me can be still IT can know, a tiny bit, that I AM- I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN.

I belong in the whole, oh JOY and GRATITUDE, my cup overfloweth.

WHO AM I?a stale tiresome formulatioand so worthles

my totality-what, exactly, is that?-MUST be very careful and cautious = aware of danger when the word I is used by who/what?


so there are clearly at least 3 elements: I, me, and my totality

which one is real or true? who or what does not know?

facts: all3 are contained within the body, who or what says MY body? WHO AM I? this is the heart of the matter.

each of the three says-oh so convincingly-and who or what is convinced?- I, each claims the right to use I, and, to complicate matters, even more, there is a mind a body and some feelings and even some emotions.

put them all in a flask and shake them up, and what is the result? there is life, surely, and sensation and feeling and emotion, also surely, but surely to who or what? who claims the crown and which is the REAL king?

I-who he/she

I just trips of the tongue without any attention and some part of my totality has be come habituated to using I as if it really was I, suggest to it that it may not be I, or even not even entitled to call itself I, and it-for it is a machine,and it becomes hostile and uneasy and sees any question of its right to use I-any doubt about that and it reacts as if attacked" I is/ am ME!" it screams and lies.

WRONG ME IS IT.- a thing and a reacting mechanism that sees all questioning it as an attack upon itself. it hates questions because it can hide in the certainty of answers. how DARE anyone doubt the validity of ME?I is strong and steady and intelligently asks questions since it senses that me is stifling it.I turns to the work/Truth as a compass needle turns to north.why would I have turned to the work had I not been discontent with my servitude to me/personality?-I sensed, clearly, that I needed help
by contrast me/personality sighs and yawns and says"oh I'm bored wit h all this just give me bread and circuses or I (note how it calls itself I- IT LIES) will have a tantrum and upset the totality" it does have that power does it not? -important question which will bore and irritate me/personality.
if I imagine I understand the ideas even at all, l I MUST QUESTION who/what is using I, that IS what is all about. already my questions are beginning to irritate and disturb your me/personality which will churn about trying to justify itself and blame peter.

justification and blame-both lies- are the hallmarks of me/personality. OF COURSE my questions are not useful to me/personality, they cast doubt on its right to use I. it's that simple. can you not sense me/personality shifting and wriggling on its throne while you read this? its FIRST REACTION-it can do nothing else, being of the lower, is to justify itself and blame peter, all the while using I.

the lower reacts the higher responds; justification/blame are only mechanical reactions but-without permission-they affect the totality.

reactions STEAL energy, responses bring finer/high energy and lift my totality and fill it with energy energy, the conditions and ingredients necessary for essence to grow up in to an individual.

poor un-evolved, half-grown innocent , slightly stupid, essence is so easily duped by me/personality, without the help of the real living work essence will inevitably be the dupe and slave of me/personality